Panel Regression Analysis

MP223 - Applied Econometrics Methods for the Social Sciences

Eduard Bukin

R setup

library(tidyverse)       # for data wrangling
library(alr4)            # for the data sets #


  fig.width = 10,
  fig.asp = 0.618,
  fig.retina = 3,
  dpi = 300,
  out.width = "100%", 
  message = FALSE,
  echo = TRUE, 
  cache = TRUE

# Custom functions to summaries data nicely
get_signif <- 
  function(x) {
      corr = FALSE,
      na = FALSE,
      cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
      symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")
    ) %>% 

tidy_skim <- 
  function(dta) {
    dta %>%
      select(- any_of(c("id", "time"))) %>% 
      skimr::skim_without_charts() %>%
      as_tibble() %>%
      select(any_of(c("skim_variable","n_missing")), contains("numeric")) %>%
      rename_with( ~ str_remove(., "numeric\\."))

tidy_coeftest <- 
    mod_name = deparse(substitute(mod)), 
    mod_vcov = vcov(mod),
    dig = 3, 
    ...) {
    mod_name_sym <- sym(mod_name)
    mod %>%
      lmtest::coeftest(vcov. = mod_vcov)  %>%
      broom::tidy() %>%
          across(c(estimate, std.error),
                 ~ scales::number(., 1 / 10 ^ dig, big.mark = ",")),
        across(c(p.value), ~ insight::format_p(., stars_only = TRUE)),
        mod_stat := glue::glue("{estimate}{p.value} ({std.error})")
      ) %>%
      select(parameter = term, !!mod_name_sym := mod_stat)

tidy_gof <- 
    mod_name = deparse(substitute(mod)), 
    dig = 3, 
    ...) {
    mod_sum <- summary(mod)
    mod_sum <- mod_sum$fstatistic
    if (is.vector(mod_sum)) {
      df1 <- mod_sum[[2]]
      df2 <- mod_sum[[3]]
      df <- str_c(c(df1, df2), collapse = "; ")
    } else {
      df <- str_c(mod_sum$parameter, collapse = "; ")
    mod %>%
      broom::glance() %>%
        dta <- .
        if (!"logLik" %in% names(dta)) {
          dta <-
            mutate(dta, logLik = mod %>% stats::logLik() %>% as.numeric())
        if (!"AIC" %in% names(dta)) {
          dta <- mutate(dta, AIC = mod %>% stats::AIC() %>% as.numeric())
        if (!"BIC" %in% names(dta)) {
          dta <- mutate(dta, BIC = mod %>% stats::BIC() %>% as.numeric())
      } %>%
        across(any_of(c("r.squared", "deviance", "adj.r.squared")), 
               ~ scales::number(., 1 / 10 ^ dig, big.mark = ",")),
        across(any_of(c("statistic", "logLik", "AIC", "BIC")),
               ~ scales::number(., 1, big.mark = ",")),
        `F Statistics (df)` =
          glue("{statistic}{get_signif(p.value)} ", "({df})"),
        nobs = scales::number(nobs, 1, big.mark = ",")
      ) %>%
        N = nobs,
        `R-sq. adj.` = adj.r.squared,
        `Log likelihood` = logLik,
        `F Statistics (df)`
      ) %>%
                   names_to = "parameter", 
                   values_to = mod_name)

tidy_summary <-
           mod_name = deparse(substitute(mod)),
           mod_vcov = vcov(mod),
           dig = 3,
           ...) {
    tidy_coeftest(mod,mod_name = mod_name, mod_vcov = mod_vcov, dig = dig) %>% 
      bind_rows(tidy_gof(mod, mod_name = mod_name, dig = dig))

tidy_summary_list <-
           mod_vcov = NULL,
           dig = 3,
           ...) {
    # browser()
    mod_list %>%
      list(., names(.), seq_along(.)) %>% 
      pmap(~ {
        vcov_here <- vcov(..1)
        if (!is.null(mod_vcov[[..3]]))
          vcov_here <- mod_vcov[[..3]]
          mod = .x,
          mod_name = .y,
          mod_vcov = vcov_here,
          dig = dig
      }) %>%
      reduce(full_join, by = "parameter")


  • Ceteris paribus!?

    • Why multiple regression is “good”?
    • What variables are important when establishing a causal effect of a treatment (key variable)?
    • What if we do not have an important variable?
  • Selection bias = OVB! In multiple regression analysis.

    • What does OVB to our regression estimates?
    • Bias (inconsistency) of estimates!

Data Types

Cross-sectional data

ID Y X1 X2
\(1\) \(y_{1}\) \(x^{1}_{1}\) \(x^{2}_{1}\)
\(2\) \(y_{2}\) \(x^{1}_{2}\) \(x^{2}_{2}\)
\(3\) \(y_{3}\) \(x^{1}_{3}\) \(x^{2}_{3}\)
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)
\(N\) \(y_{N}\) \(x^{1}_{N}\) \(x^{1}_{N}\)

Could be repeated multiple times, but in every repetition, there are different individuals.

Panel data

  • table with data, where

  • each individual (cohort) is represented by multiple observations from different time periods.

  • sometimes, nested cohorts are possible too (region, individual, time).

Panel data

ID Time Y X1 X2
\(1\) \(1\) \(y_{11}\) \(x^{1}_{11}\) \(x^{2}_{11}\)
\(1\) \(2\) \(y_{12}\) \(x^{1}_{12}\) \(x^{2}_{12}\)
\(1\) \(3\) \(y_{13}\) \(x^{1}_{13}\) \(x^{2}_{13}\)
\(2\) \(2\) \(y_{22}\) \(x^{1}_{22}\) \(x^{2}_{22}\)
\(2\) \(3\) \(y_{23}\) \(x^{1}_{23}\) \(x^{2}_{23}\)
\(3\) \(1\) \(y_{31}\) \(x^{1}_{31}\) \(x^{2}_{31}\)
\(3\) \(2\) \(y_{32}\) \(x^{1}_{32}\) \(x^{2}_{32}\)
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)
\(N\) \(1\) \(y_{N1}\) \(x^{1}_{N1}\) \(x^{1}_{N1}\)
\(N\) \(2\) \(y_{N2}\) \(x^{1}_{N2}\) \(x^{2}_{N2}\)

Panel data: Balanced and Unbalanced

Balanced Unbalanced
\(\text{ID}\) \(\text{Time}\) \(Y\) \(X\) \(\text{ID}\) \(\text{Time}\) \(Y\) \(X\)
1 1 \(Y_{11}\) \(X_{11}\) 1 1 \(Y_{11}\) \(X_{11}\)
1 2 \(Y_{12}\) \(X_{12}\) 1 2 \(Y_{12}\) \(X_{12}\)
1 3 \(Y_{13}\) \(X_{13}\) 2 2 \(Y_{22}\) \(X_{22}\)
2 1 \(Y_{21}\) \(X_{21}\) 2 3 \(Y_{23}\) \(X_{23}\)
2 2 \(Y_{22}\) \(X_{22}\) 3 3 \(Y_{33}\) \(X_{33}\)
2 3 \(Y_{23}\) \(X_{23}\) 4 1 \(Y_{31}\) \(X_{31}\)

Using Panel Data …


is a strategy to control unobserved/omitted but fixed effects using time or cohort (individual) dimensions.

Motivation for panel data regression analysis

Example 1: Effect of an employee’s union membership on wage

Does the collective bargaining (union membership) has any effect on wages?

\[log(\text{Wage}_{it}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \text{Union}_{it} + \beta_2 \cdot {X_{it}} + \beta_3 \cdot \text{Ability}_{i} + \epsilon_{it}\]

where \(i\) is the individual and \(t\) is the time dimension;

Is there an endogeneity problem?

  • Is there a source of endogeneity / selection bias here?

    • Any ideas?
    • Any ideas….
  • Ability:

    • not observable ;
    • time invariant;
    • correlates with \(X\) and \(Y\);
  • Omitting ability causes the OVB!

Solution: use the panel data

  • Most of the individual-related characteristics change over time: wage. union membership, skills, experience.

    • These variables will be different each time we record measurements for each individual.
  • Ability are time-invariant and specific to each individual;

    • If we introduce dummy variables for each individual,
    • we can approximate different ability levels!

Cross-sectional data and individual dummies

  • Can we introduce dummy variables for each individual in a cross-section?

    • Any ideas?
    • Why?….
  • NO…

    • Because the number of independent variables have to be less or equal to the number of observations.

Cross-sectional example

ID Y X1 X2 \({ID}_1\) \({ID}_2\) \({ID}_3\) \({ID}_N\)
\(1\) \(y_{1}\) \(x^{1}_{1}\) \(x^{2}_{1}\) 1 0 0 0
\(2\) \(y_{2}\) \(x^{1}_{2}\) \(x^{2}_{2}\) 0 1 0 0
\(3\) \(y_{3}\) \(x^{1}_{3}\) \(x^{2}_{3}\) 0 0 1 0
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)
\(N\) \(y_{N}\) \(x^{1}_{N}\) \(x^{1}_{N}\) 0 0 0 1

Panel data data and individual dummies

ID Time Y X1 X2 \({ID}_1\) \({ID}_2\) \({ID}_N\)
\(1\) \(1\) \(y_{11}\) \(x^{1}_{11}\) \(x^{2}_{11}\) 1 0 0
\(1\) \(2\) \(y_{12}\) \(x^{1}_{12}\) \(x^{2}_{12}\) 1 0 0
\(1\) \(3\) \(y_{13}\) \(x^{1}_{13}\) \(x^{2}_{13}\) 1 0 0
\(2\) \(2\) \(y_{22}\) \(x^{1}_{22}\) \(x^{2}_{22}\) 0 1 0
\(2\) \(3\) \(y_{23}\) \(x^{1}_{23}\) \(x^{2}_{23}\) 0 1 0
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)
\(N\) \(1\) \(y_{N1}\) \(x^{1}_{N1}\) \(x^{1}_{N1}\) 0 0 1
\(N\) \(2\) \(y_{N2}\) \(x^{1}_{N2}\) \(x^{2}_{N2}\) 0 0 1

With the panel data it will work, but…

May be difficult… Any ideas why?…

  • Number of dummy variables is equal to the number of individuals.

    • If we have 5,000 individuals, we have 5,000 regression coefficients.
    • What if we have 100,000 individuals?
  • Having too many regressors remains unbiased, but complicates inference:

    • number of degrees of freedom increases;
    • adjusted \(R^2\) may shrink to zero;

Panel regression: brief theory


Key readings:

  • Mundlak (1961)
  • Angrist and Pischke (2009) Ch. 5
  • J. M. Wooldridge (2010);
  • M. J. Wooldridge (2020);
  • Söderbom, Teal, and Eberhardt (2014), Ch. 9-11

Other readings:

  • Croissant and Millo (2018)


  • Pooled OLS (regression without any panel structure);

  • Fixed Effect Models:

    • Least-squares dummy variable (Pooled OLS + individual dummies);
    • Within-transformation
    • First-difference
    • Between transformation (look it up in (Croissant and Millo 2018)!)
  • Random Effect Model

Pooled OLS

  • Union example, the short model:

. . . \[log(\text{Wage}_{it}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \text{Union}_{it} + \beta_2 \cdot X_{it} + \epsilon_{it}\]

  • Estimates are biased because we do not observe ability, which are time-invariant (Mundlak 1961).

Least-squares dummy variable approach

  • Introduce a vector of dummy variables \(\color{Red}{\delta}\)

\[log(\text{Wage}_{it}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \text{Union}_{it} + \beta_2 \cdot X_{it} + \\ \beta_3 \cdot \color{Red}{\delta_{i}} + \epsilon_{it}\]

  • Estimates and unbiased (consistent) but inefficient.

Within transformation - Key method

\[log(\text{Wage}_{it} - \overline{\text{Wage}_{i}}) = \\ \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot (\text{Union}_{it} - \overline{\text{Union}_{i}}) + \\ \beta_2 \cdot (X_{it} - \overline{\text{X}_{i}}) + \beta_3 \cdot (\text{Ability}_{i} - \overline{\text{Ability}_{i}}) + \\ (\epsilon_{it} - \overline{\epsilon_{i}})\]

  • Any time-invariant effect will disappear from the regression because: \(\text{Ability}_{i} - \overline{\text{Ability}_{i}} = 0\)

  • Estimates are identical to the least-squares dummy variable, but SE are more efficient;

ID Time \(Y\) \(Y-\overline{Y}\) \(X1\) \(X1-\overline{X1}\)
\(1\) \(1\) \(y_{11}\) \(y_{11} - \overline{y_1}\) \(x^{1}_{11}\) \(x^1_{11} - \overline{x^1_1}\)
\(1\) \(2\) \(y_{12}\) \(y_{12} - \overline{y_1}\) \(x^{1}_{12}\) \(x^1_{12} - \overline{x^1_1}\)
\(1\) \(3\) \(y_{13}\) \(y_{13} - \overline{y_1}\) \(x^{1}_{13}\) \(x^1_{13} - \overline{x^1_1}\)
\(2\) \(2\) \(y_{22}\) \(y_{22} - \overline{y_2}\) \(x^{1}_{22}\) \(x^1_{22} - \overline{x^1_2}\)
\(2\) \(3\) \(y_{23}\) \(y_{23} - \overline{y_2}\) \(x^{1}_{23}\) \(x^1_{23} - \overline{x^1_2}\)
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)
\(N\) \(1\) \(y_{N1}\) \(y_{N1} - \overline{y_N}\) \(x^{1}_{N1}\) \(x^1_{N1} - \overline{x^1_N}\)
\(N\) \(2\) \(y_{N2}\) \(y_{N2} - \overline{y_N}\) \(x^{1}_{N2}\) \(x^1_{N2} - \overline{x^1_N}\)

First Difference transformation

\[log(\text{Wage}_{it} - {\text{Wage}_{i,t-1}}) = \\ \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot (\text{Union}_{it} - {\text{Union}_{it-1}}) + \\ \beta_2 \cdot (X_{it} - {{X}_{i,t-1}}) + \\ \beta_3 \cdot (\text{Ability}_{i} - {\text{Ability}_{i,t-1}}) + (\epsilon_{it} - {\epsilon_{i,t-1}})\]

  • Has similar effect as the within transformation.
  • Sacrifices at least one time dimension.
  • Relaxes autocorrelation assumption.
  • May be not possible with unbalanced data.

Fixed effect model assumptions

Very Important:

  • NOT ZERO CORRELATION between effects and regressors: \(Cov(\delta_{i},{X}_{it}) \neq 0\)

  • Strict exogeneity: \(E[\epsilon_{is}| {X}_{it}, \delta_{i}] = 0\)

    • \(Cov(\epsilon_{is}, {X}_{jt}) = 0\) and \(Cov(\epsilon_{it}, {X}_{it}) = 0\) , where \(j\neq i\) and \(s\neq t\) ;

    • Residuals (\(\epsilon\)) do not correlate with all explanatory variable (\(X\)) in all time periods (\(t\)) and for all individuals (\(i\)).

      • No autocorrelation/serial correlation: \(Cov(\epsilon_{it}, {X}_{i,t-1}) = 0\);
      • No cross-sectional dependence: \(Cov(\epsilon_{it}, {X}_{j,t}) = 0\) (when individual observations react similarly to the common shocks or correlate in space);

Not less important:

  • Linearity
  • Homoscedasticity of error terms: \(Var(\delta_{i}|{X}_{it}) = \sigma^2_{\delta}\)

Fixed effect: literature

  • Seminal papers: Mundlak (1961)
  • Climate and agriculture: Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994), Blanc and Schlenker (2017), Bozzola et al. (2017)
  • Choice of irrigation: Kurukulasuriya, Kala, and Mendelsohn (2011), Chatzopoulos and Lippert (2015)
  • Crop choice: Kurukulasuriya et al. (2008), Seo and Mendelsohn (2008a),
  • Livestock choice Seo et al. (2008), Seo and Mendelsohn (2008b)
  • Cross-sectional dependence: Conley (1999)

Random Effect Model

  • Introduce a random component of the error term \(\color{Red}{v}\)

\[log(\text{Wage}_{it}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \text{Union}_{it} + \beta_2 \cdot X_{it} + \beta_3 \cdot \color{Red}{v_{i}} + \epsilon_{it}\]

  • Difference from the fixed effect model:

    • Assumes NO CORRELATION (ZERO CORRELATION) between effects and regressors: \(Cov(v_{i},{X}_{it}) = 0\).

    • Ignoring RE causes no bias to the estimates;

Limitations of Fixed and Random effect models

  • NOT the ultimate solution to Endogeneity.

  • There might still be some OVB even with the fixed effects.

    • Instrumental Variables are possible within the panel regression context too.
  • Measurement error may cause endogeneity;

Example 1. Unions premium: implication of the Fixed effect model:

Panel regression: Empirical motivation

Example 2. Macro-level data analysis

  • Let us analyze a link between imports and national product based on (Kinal and Lahiri 1993).
  • Both variables are in per capita and in log.
library(plm); library(pder); library(splm)
data("ForeignTrade", package = "pder")
ForeignTrade <- ForeignTrade %>% 
  select(country, year, exports, imports, gnp) %>% 
  pdata.frame(index = c("country", "year"))
Balanced Panel: n = 31, T = 24, N = 744
                 country year  exports  imports      gnp
Indonesia-1963 Indonesia 1963 -7.62723 -9.19358 -0.22242
Indonesia-1964 Indonesia 1964 -7.61279 -8.96084  0.12960
Indonesia-1965 Indonesia 1965 -7.65318 -8.96664  0.01653
Indonesia-1966 Indonesia 1966 -7.67038 -9.30862  0.15908
Indonesia-1967 Indonesia 1967 -7.67121 -9.12042  0.13064
Indonesia-1968 Indonesia 1968 -7.42591 -8.79655  0.19652

Relationship between GNP and imports



Pooled + Within

Pooled + Within + Random

Panel regression: Empirical practice

General algorithm

  1. Pooled OLS using;

    • Gauss-Markov assumption validation: Linearity, Collinearity, No endogeneity, Homoscedasticity, validation;
  2. FE: Fixed Effect. Within-transformation. Individual, Time or Two-ways effects;

    • F-test and LM test on FE consistency against pooled;
  3. RE: Random Effect;

    • Hausman test, Chamberlain test, Angrist and Newey on effects’ correlation with regressors of RE consistency against the FE;
  4. Choosing the appropriate functional form;

  5. Serial correlation and cross-sectional dependence tests;

  6. Robust standard errors:

    • Clustered SE and/or heteroscedasticity and/or autocorrelation robust SE;
  7. Summary and interpretation;

Example 3. Micro-level application RiceFarms

  • Let us explore the determinants of rice farms productivity.


We want to understand if larger farms are more productive compared to smaller once.

Farm-specific Rice production function (1)

  • We employ a production function approach, relying on the Cobb-Douglas Production function:

\[\ln y = \ln \beta_0 + \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \beta_n \ln x_n + \sum_{k = 1}^{K} \gamma_k \delta_k + \epsilon\]


  • \(y\) is the output and \(x_n\) are the inputs all in physical mass (or monetary value); \(N\) is the number of independent variables;
  • \(\delta_k\) are the shift parameters of additional dummy variables;
  • \(\beta_0\) , \(\beta_n\) , \(\gamma_n\) are the estimated coefficients;

Farm-specific Rice production function (2)

  • Inputs are: land, seeds, urea, pesticide and labor;
  • Output: rice production in physical mass;
  • short model (all things are in log): . . .

\[\text{output} = A_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \text{land} + \beta_2 \cdot \text{labor} + \\ \beta_3 \cdot \text{seed} + \beta_4 \cdot \text{urea} + \beta_1 \cdot \text{pesticide}\]

  • What are the ex-ante expectations about the regression coefficients?

    • Ideas? …

What about OVB? (3)

  • What omitted variables could cause bias of the regression?

    • Any!? …
    • Any!? …
    • Capital, Ability, Climate, Geography…
  • Let us speculate on the bias of land estimated given exclusion of ability.

    • Long model.
    • Short model.
    • OVB formula.
  • Educated guess about bias of the estimates.

Farm-level data

  • Following data RiceFarms is used from package splm. We only use a subset of variables:

    • output - gross output of rice in kg
    • land - the total area cultivated with rice, measured in hectares
    • seed - seed in kilogram
    • urea - urea in kilogram
    • pesticide - urea in kilogram
    • labor - total labor (excluding harvest labor)
  • We calculate logs of all variables.

  • we do not use logs for summary statistics.

Data glimpse (1)

data("RiceFarms", package = "splm")
rice_dta_selection <- RiceFarms %>% as_tibble() %>%
    id, time,
    output = goutput,
    land = size,
    labor = totlabor,
    seed, urea,
    pest = pesticide

rice_dta_1 <- rice_dta_selection %>%
  mutate(across(c(output, land, seed, urea, pest, labor), ~ log(.)))

# Making panel structure
rice_dta_p1 <- rice_dta_1 %>% pdata.frame(index = c("id", "time"))
Balanced Panel: n = 171, T = 6, N = 1026

Data glimpse (2)

Rows: 1,026
Columns: 8
$ id     <int> 101001, 101001, 101001, 101001, 101001, 101001, 101017, 101017,…
$ time   <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, …
$ output <dbl> 8.984694, 8.314587, 7.882315, 8.411833, 9.698920, 9.765604, 8.2…
$ land   <dbl> 1.0986123, 0.6931472, 0.0000000, 0.6931472, 1.2731257, 1.273125…
$ labor  <dbl> 7.977625, 7.675546, 6.980076, 7.645398, 8.265907, 8.165932, 6.6…
$ seed   <dbl> 4.499810, 3.688879, 4.605170, 4.094345, 4.653960, 4.653960, 3.9…
$ urea   <dbl> 6.802395, 6.396930, 6.551080, 6.396930, 5.991465, 5.991465, 4.7…
$ pest   <dbl> 8.699515, 8.006368, 8.517193, 8.517193, 9.230143, 9.230143, -In…
# A tibble: 6 × 9
  skim_variable n_missing    mean      sd      p0     p25     p50    p75  p100
  <chr>             <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
1 output                0    6.73   0.995    3.74    6.04    6.79  7.38   9.95
2 land                  0   -1.30   0.951   -4.61   -1.94   -1.25 -0.693  1.67
3 labor                 0    5.56   0.847    2.83    4.97    5.53  6.08   8.47
4 seed                  0    2.37   0.937    0       1.61    2.30  3.00   7.13
5 urea                  0    3.98   1.16     0       3.22    4.09  4.61   7.13
6 pest                  0 -Inf    NaN     -Inf    -Inf    -Inf     5.58  11.0 
  • Any problems with data?

Any problems with data? (1)

  • Any? …

  • pest, when transformed with logs, produces -Inf values.

    • Why is that so?
    • Any? …
    • Because there are zero values of pesticides application \(\ln 0 = - \infty\).

-Infinity in logs: lazy solution

  • Before log transformation, substitute any zero with a small value, for example 0.0001;
rice_dta_lazy <- 
  rice_dta_selection %>% 
  mutate(pest = ifelse(pest <= 0, 0.0001, pest))%>%
  mutate(across(c(output, land, seed, urea, pest, labor), ~ log(.)))
rice_dta_p_lazy <- rice_dta_lazy %>% pdata.frame(index = c("id", "time"))
rice_dta_lazy %>% tidy_skim()
# A tibble: 6 × 9
  skim_variable n_missing  mean    sd    p0   p25   p50    p75  p100
  <chr>             <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
1 output                0  6.73 0.995  3.74  6.04  6.79  7.38   9.95
2 land                  0 -1.30 0.951 -4.61 -1.94 -1.25 -0.693  1.67
3 labor                 0  5.56 0.847  2.83  4.97  5.53  6.08   8.47
4 seed                  0  2.37 0.937  0     1.61  2.30  3.00   7.13
5 urea                  0  3.98 1.16   0     3.22  4.09  4.61   7.13
6 pest                  0 -4.37 7.35  -9.21 -9.21 -9.21  5.58  11.0 

-Infinity in logs: smart solution

  • Introduce reverse dummy variables for each variable with log of zero, see: Battese (1997);
  • Substitute negative infinity with zero.
rice_dta <- 
  rice_dta_selection %>% 
  mutate(pest_revdum = ifelse(pest <= 0, 1, 0),
    across(c(output, land, seed, urea, pest, labor), ~ log(.)),
    pest = ifelse(is.infinite(pest), 0, pest)) 
rice_dta_p <- rice_dta %>% pdata.frame(index = c("id", "time"))
rice_dta %>% tidy_skim()
# A tibble: 7 × 9
  skim_variable n_missing   mean    sd    p0   p25   p50    p75  p100
  <chr>             <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
1 output                0  6.73  0.995  3.74  6.04  6.79  7.38   9.95
2 land                  0 -1.30  0.951 -4.61 -1.94 -1.25 -0.693  1.67
3 labor                 0  5.56  0.847  2.83  4.97  5.53  6.08   8.47
4 seed                  0  2.37  0.937  0     1.61  2.30  3.00   7.13
5 urea                  0  3.98  1.16   0     3.22  4.09  4.61   7.13
6 pest                  0  2.04  3.15   0     0     0     5.58  11.0 
7 pest_revdum           0  0.695 0.461  0     0     1     1      1   

Data exploration

rice_dta %>% select(-id, -time) %>% ggpairs()

Step 1.1 Pooled OLS

rice_pooled <- 
  plm(output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum, 
      rice_dta_p, model = "pooling")
rice_pooled_2 <-   
  lm(output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum, rice_dta_p)
tidy_summary_list(list(pooled_plm = rice_pooled, pooled_lm = rice_pooled_2))
# A tibble: 13 × 3
   parameter         pooled_plm         pooled_lm       
   <chr>             <glue>             <glue>          
 1 (Intercept)       4.314*** (0.219)   4.314*** (0.219)
 2 land              0.435*** (0.030)   0.435*** (0.030)
 3 labor             0.253*** (0.028)   0.253*** (0.028)
 4 seed              0.148*** (0.026)   0.148*** (0.026)
 5 urea              0.171*** (0.016)   0.171*** (0.016)
 6 pest              0.091*** (0.017)   0.091*** (0.017)
 7 pest_revdum       0.513*** (0.117)   0.513*** (0.117)
 8 N                 1,026              1,026           
 9 R-sq. adj.        0.875              0.875           
10 Log likelihood    -379               -379            
11 AIC               775                775             
12 BIC               814                814             
13 F Statistics (df) 1,198*** (6; 1019) 1,198*** (6)    

Step 1.2 Linearity and homoscedasticity

check_model(rice_pooled_2, check = c("linearity", "homogeneity"))

Step 2.1 Fixed Effect

rice_fe <- 
  plm(output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum, 
      rice_dta_p, model = "within", effect = "individual")

tidy_summary_list(list(pooled = rice_pooled, FE = rice_fe))
# A tibble: 13 × 3
   parameter         pooled             FE              
   <chr>             <glue>             <glue>          
 1 (Intercept)       4.314*** (0.219)   <NA>            
 2 land              0.435*** (0.030)   0.420*** (0.036)
 3 labor             0.253*** (0.028)   0.271*** (0.033)
 4 seed              0.148*** (0.026)   0.124*** (0.030)
 5 urea              0.171*** (0.016)   0.163*** (0.019)
 6 pest              0.091*** (0.017)   0.110*** (0.020)
 7 pest_revdum       0.513*** (0.117)   0.635*** (0.135)
 8 N                 1,026              1,026           
 9 R-sq. adj.        0.875              0.676           
10 Log likelihood    -379               -245            
11 AIC               775                504             
12 BIC               814                538             
13 F Statistics (df) 1,198*** (6; 1019) 386*** (6; 849) 

Step 2.1 lazy versus reverse dummy

rice_fe_lazy <- 
  plm(output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest, 
      rice_dta_p_lazy, model = "within", effect = "individual")
rice_pooled_lazy <- 
  plm(output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest, 
      rice_dta_p_lazy, model = "pooling")

list(pooled = rice_pooled, `pooled (lazy)` = rice_pooled_lazy, `FE (rev. dumy)` = rice_fe, `FE (lazy)` = rice_fe_lazy) %>% 
# A tibble: 13 × 5
   parameter         pooled         `pooled (lazy)` `FE (rev. dumy)` `FE (lazy)`
   <chr>             <glue>         <glue>          <glue>           <glue>     
 1 (Intercept)       4.314*** (0.2… 4.853*** (0.19… <NA>             <NA>       
 2 land              0.435*** (0.0… 0.436*** (0.03… 0.420*** (0.036) 0.421*** (…
 3 labor             0.253*** (0.0… 0.247*** (0.02… 0.271*** (0.033) 0.264*** (…
 4 seed              0.148*** (0.0… 0.164*** (0.02… 0.124*** (0.030) 0.134*** (…
 5 urea              0.171*** (0.0… 0.179*** (0.01… 0.163*** (0.019) 0.174*** (…
 6 pest              0.091*** (0.0… 0.006*** (0.00… 0.110*** (0.020) 0.008*** (…
 7 pest_revdum       0.513*** (0.1… <NA>            0.635*** (0.135) <NA>       
 8 N                 1,026          1,026           1,026            1,026      
 9 R-sq. adj.        0.875          0.872           0.676            0.666      
10 Log likelihood    -379           -391            -245             -261       
11 AIC               761            785             492              525        
12 BIC               766            790             497              529        
13 F Statistics (df) 1,198*** (6; … 1,402*** (5; 1… 386*** (6; 849)  444*** (5;…

Step 2.2 F test for individual effects

  • Compares FE model to OLS. OLS is always consistent, when Gauss-Markov assumptions are satisfied.

    • H0: One model is inconsistent.
    • H1: Both models are equally consistent.
pFtest(rice_fe, rice_pooled)

    F test for individual effects

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
F = 1.4988, df1 = 170, df2 = 849, p-value = 0.0001704
alternative hypothesis: significant effects

Step 2.3 Lagrange Multiplier Tests

  • Compares FE model to OLS. OLS is always consistent, when Gauss-Markov assumptions are satisfied.

    • H0: One model is inconsistent.
    • H1: Both models are equally consistent.
plmtest(rice_pooled, effect = "individual", type = "honda")

    Lagrange Multiplier Test - (Honda) for balanced panels

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
normal = 3.7129, p-value = 0.0001025
alternative hypothesis: significant effects
plmtest(rice_pooled, effect = "individual", type = "bp")

    Lagrange Multiplier Test - (Breusch-Pagan) for balanced panels

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
chisq = 13.785, df = 1, p-value = 0.0002049
alternative hypothesis: significant effects

Step 3.1 Random Effect

rice_re <- 
  plm(output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum, 
      rice_dta_p, model = "random", effect = "individual")
list(pooled = rice_pooled, FE = rice_fe, RE = rice_re) %>% 
# A tibble: 13 × 4
   parameter         pooled             FE               RE              
   <chr>             <glue>             <glue>           <glue>          
 1 (Intercept)       4.314*** (0.219)   <NA>             4.277*** (0.222)
 2 land              0.435*** (0.030)   0.420*** (0.036) 0.434*** (0.031)
 3 labor             0.253*** (0.028)   0.271*** (0.033) 0.258*** (0.029)
 4 seed              0.148*** (0.026)   0.124*** (0.030) 0.143*** (0.027)
 5 urea              0.171*** (0.016)   0.163*** (0.019) 0.169*** (0.016)
 6 pest              0.091*** (0.017)   0.110*** (0.020) 0.097*** (0.018)
 7 pest_revdum       0.513*** (0.117)   0.635*** (0.135) 0.547*** (0.118)
 8 N                 1,026              1,026            1,026           
 9 R-sq. adj.        0.875              0.676            0.853           
10 Log likelihood    -379               -245             -339            
11 AIC               761                492              680             
12 BIC               766                497              685             
13 F Statistics (df) 1,198*** (6; 1019) 386*** (6; 849)  5,967*** (6)    

Step 3.2 Hausman Test for Panel Models

  • Compares RE to FE model. FE is assumed to be consistent

    • H0: One model is inconsistent.
    • H1: Both models are equally consistent.
phtest(rice_fe, rice_re)

    Hausman Test

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
chisq = 7.285, df = 6, p-value = 0.2953
alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent
  • Fixed Effect model is recommended

Step 4.1 Serial correlation and cross-sectional dependence

  • Wooldridge’s test for unobserved individual effects

    • H0: no unobserved effects
    • H1: some effects also dues to serial correlation

    Wooldridge's test for unobserved individual effects

data:  formula
z = 2.1603, p-value = 0.03075
alternative hypothesis: unobserved effect

Step 4.2 lm tests for random effects and/or serial correlation

  • H0: serial correlation is zero
  • H1: some serial correlation
pbsytest(rice_pooled, test = "ar")

    Bera, Sosa-Escudero and Yoon locally robust test - balanced panel

data:  formula
chisq = 20.988, df = 1, p-value = 4.622e-06
alternative hypothesis: AR(1) errors sub random effects
pbsytest(rice_pooled, test = "re")

    Bera, Sosa-Escudero and Yoon locally robust test (one-sided) - balanced

data:  formula
z = 0.38656, p-value = 0.3495
alternative hypothesis: random effects sub AR(1) errors

Step 4.3 Breusch-Godfrey and Durbin-Watson tests

  • H0: serial correlation is zero
  • H0: some serial correlation

    Breusch-Godfrey/Wooldridge test for serial correlation in panel models

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
chisq = 312.08, df = 6, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors
pbgtest(rice_fe, order = 2)

    Breusch-Godfrey/Wooldridge test for serial correlation in panel models

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
chisq = 57.029, df = 2, p-value = 4.133e-13
alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors

    Durbin-Watson test for serial correlation in panel models

data:  output ~ land + labor + seed + urea + pest + pest_revdum
DW = 2.0627, p-value = 0.8511
alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors

Step 5. Robust and clustered standard errors (1)

library(lmtest); library(car); library(sandwich); options(digits = 4, scipen = 15)
# Regular SE
                    land       labor        seed        urea         pest
land         0.001307260 -0.00059769 -0.00041874 -0.00014361 -0.000006703
labor       -0.000597690  0.00110633 -0.00024768 -0.00007864  0.000030847
seed        -0.000418745 -0.00024768  0.00093011 -0.00012979 -0.000041049
urea        -0.000143612 -0.00007864 -0.00012979  0.00037163 -0.000047684
pest        -0.000006703  0.00003085 -0.00004105 -0.00004768  0.000383951
pest_revdum -0.000010199  0.00013112 -0.00025183 -0.00023079  0.002579932
land         -0.0000102
labor         0.0001311
seed         -0.0002518
urea         -0.0002308
pest          0.0025799
pest_revdum   0.0183242
# Clustered, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation robust SE
vcovHC(rice_fe, method = "arellano", type = "HC0", cluster = "group")
                  land       labor        seed        urea        pest
land         0.0022017 -0.00090745 -0.00058997 -0.00034714  0.00011641
labor       -0.0009074  0.00117256 -0.00011760  0.00001305 -0.00002128
seed        -0.0005900 -0.00011760  0.00131948 -0.00040185 -0.00001704
urea        -0.0003471  0.00001305 -0.00040185  0.00065293 -0.00009713
pest         0.0001164 -0.00002128 -0.00001704 -0.00009713  0.00033325
pest_revdum  0.0008926 -0.00018949 -0.00015076 -0.00065111  0.00226554
land          0.0008926
labor        -0.0001895
seed         -0.0001508
urea         -0.0006511
pest          0.0022655
pest_revdum   0.0162579
[1] "group"

Step 5. Robust and clustered standard errors (2)

         vcov. = vcovHC(rice_fe, method = "arellano", 
                        type = "HC0", cluster = "group"))

t test of coefficients:

            Estimate Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
land          0.4198     0.0469    8.95 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
labor         0.2708     0.0342    7.91    0.000000000000008 ***
seed          0.1238     0.0363    3.41              0.00068 ***
urea          0.1629     0.0256    6.38    0.000000000299222 ***
pest          0.1103     0.0183    6.04    0.000000002278921 ***
pest_revdum   0.6350     0.1275    4.98    0.000000770311250 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Step 5. Robust and clustered standard errors (2)

  mod_list = 
    list(`FE regular SE` = rice_fe, 
         `FE cl. het. robust` = rice_fe, 
         `FE cl. het. autocor. robust` = rice_fe),
  mod_vcov = list(
    vcovHC(rice_fe, method = "white1", type = "HC0"),
    vcovHC(rice_fe, method = "arellano", type = "sss")
# A tibble: 12 × 4
   parameter         `FE regular SE`  `FE cl. het. robust` `FE cl. het. autoco…`
   <chr>             <glue>           <glue>               <glue>               
 1 land              0.420*** (0.036) 0.420*** (0.040)     0.420*** (0.047)     
 2 labor             0.271*** (0.033) 0.271*** (0.032)     0.271*** (0.034)     
 3 seed              0.124*** (0.030) 0.124*** (0.029)     0.124*** (0.037)     
 4 urea              0.163*** (0.019) 0.163*** (0.021)     0.163*** (0.026)     
 5 pest              0.110*** (0.020) 0.110*** (0.017)     0.110*** (0.018)     
 6 pest_revdum       0.635*** (0.135) 0.635*** (0.117)     0.635*** (0.128)     
 7 N                 1,026            1,026                1,026                
 8 R-sq. adj.        0.676            0.676                0.676                
 9 Log likelihood    -245             -245                 -245                 
10 AIC               504              504                  504                  
11 BIC               538              538                  538                  
12 F Statistics (df) 386*** (6; 849)  386*** (6; 849)      386*** (6; 849)      

Are larger farms more productive?



We want to understand if larger farms are more productive compared to smaller once.

  • It is possible to understand by performing a hypothesis testing about a linear combination of parameters taking into consideration their covariance.

Linear hypothesis (1)

lh_1 <- 
                   "land + labor + seed + urea + pest = 1",
                   vcov. = vcovHC(rice_fe))
Linear hypothesis test

land  + labor  + seed  + urea  + pest = 1

Model 1: restricted model
Model 2: rice_fe

Note: Coefficient covariance matrix supplied.

  Res.Df Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)   
1    850                       
2    849  1  8.18     0.0042 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Sum of the linear combinations
attr(lh_1, "value") %>% as.vector() 
[1] 0.08768
# SE of the linear combinations
attr(lh_1, "vcov") %>% as.vector()
[1] 0.0009399

Linear hypothesis: delta method (2)

  "land + labor + seed + urea + pest",
  vcov. = vcovHC(rice_fe)
                                  Estimate     SE  2.5 % 97.5 %
land + labor + seed + urea + pest   1.0877 0.0307 1.0276   1.15


Reproduce example 3 from the class

  • Instead of using a Cobb-Douglas production function, use the Translog production function.

  • Reduce number of regressors to land, labor and seeds for simplicity.

  • Compute the marginal effects of coefficients.

. . . \[\ln y = \beta_0 + \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \beta_n \ln x_n + \\ \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \sum_{m = 1}^{M} \beta_{nm} \ln x_n \ln x_m + \sum_{k = 1}^{K} \gamma_k \delta_k + \epsilon\]


  • \(\ln x_n \ln x_m\) are the interaction terms between all combination of two regressors.
  • Everything else is the same as in Cobb-Douglas.

Take away

Take away

  • Data types: cross-sectional and panel balanced and unbalanced

  • Why panel data:

  • FE vs RE;

    • Correlated and uncorrelated individual effects
    • Limitations of the panel regression methods
    • Within, first difference, Random effect
  • Practical application;

    • Fitting panel regression
    • Cobb-Douglas and Translog production function
    • Model selection routine
    • Statistical testing
    • Standard Errors correction
    • Results presentation
  • Linear hypothesis testing

    • Linear combination of parameters
    • Delta method


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