Omitted Variable Bias

MP223 - Applied Econometrics Methods for the Social Sciences

Eduard Bukin

R setup

library(tidyverse)       # for data wrangling
library(alr4)            # for the data sets #


  fig.width = 10,
  fig.asp = 0.618,
  fig.retina = 3,
  dpi = 300,
  out.width = "100%", 
  message = FALSE,
  echo = TRUE, 
  cache = TRUE

my_gof <- function(fit_obj, digits = 4) {
  sum_fit <- summary(fit_obj)
  stars <- 
       lower.tail=FALSE) %>% 
    symnum(corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, 
           cutpoints = c(0,  .001,.01,.05,  1),
           symbols   =  c("***","**","*"," ")) %>% 
    # `R^2` = sum_fit$r.squared %>% round(digits),
    # `Adj. R^2` = sum_fit$adj.r.squared %>% round(digits),
    # `Num. obs.` = sum_fit$residuals %>% length(),
    `Num. df` = sum_fit$df[[2]],
    `F statistic` = 
      str_c(sum_fit$fstatistic[1] %>% round(digits), " ", stars)

screen_many_regs <-
  function(fit_obj_list, ..., digits = 4, single.row = TRUE) {
    if (class(fit_obj_list) == "lm") 
      fit_obj_list <- list(fit_obj_list)
    if (length(rlang::dots_list(...)) > 0)  
      fit_obj_list <- fit_obj_list %>% append(rlang::dots_list(...))
    # browser()
    fit_obj_list %>%
        custom.note =
          map2_chr(., seq_along(.), ~ {
            str_c("Model ", .y, ": ", as.character(.x$call)[[2]])
          }) %>%
          c("*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05", .) %>%
          str_c(collapse = "\n") ,
        digits = digits,
        single.row = single.row,
        custom.gof.rows =
          map(., ~my_gof(.x, digits)) %>%
          transpose() %>%
        reorder.gof = c(3, 4, 5, 1, 2)

Omitted Variable Bias

In multiple regression, Ceteris Paribus is achieved by introducing control variables.


Having insufficient or not right controls leaves us with the Selection Bias, which is called OVB - Omitted Variable Bias in the regression analysis.

Omitted Variable

Long Model

\[Y_i = \alpha ^ l + \beta ^ l P_i + \gamma A_i + e^l_i\]


  • \(Y_i\) is the outcome variable;
  • \(P_i\) is the key variable of treatment effect;
  • \(\alpha ^ l\) , \(\beta ^ l\) are true regression coefficients;
  • \(\gamma\) is the effect of omitted variable in long;
  • \(A_i\) is the omitted variable;

Omitted Variable

Long Model

\[Y_i = \alpha ^ l + \beta ^ l P_i + \gamma A_i + e^l_i\]


  • \(Y_i\) is the outcome variable;
  • \(P_i\) is the key variable of treatment effect;
  • \(\alpha ^ l\) , \(\beta ^ l\) are true regression coefficients;
  • \(\gamma\) is the effect of omitted variable in long;
  • \(A_i\) is the omitted variable;

Short model

\[Y_i = \alpha ^ s + \beta^s P_i + e^s_i\]

Is the model that omit one or more variables compare to the long one.

OVB logic

Omitted Variable Bias (1/3)

Omitted variable \(A_i\) causes bias if:

  1. \(P_i\) and \(A_i\) relates to each other:

    • \(E[A_i|P_i] \neq 0\) ; or
    • in a regression \(A_i = \pi_0 + \pi_1 P_i + u\) , \(\pi_1 \neq 0\) ;
    • \(A_i = \pi_0 + \pi_1 P_i + u\) is an auxiliary regression because it helps us understand the true causal relationship.
  2. \(A_i\) and \(Y_i\) relates to each other:

    • \(E[Y_i| A_i] \neq 0\) in the long regression or \(\gamma \neq 0\));

Omitted Variable Bias (2/3)

\(\textit{Biased effect of treatment in short} = \\ \textit{Effect of treatment in long} + \\ ([\textit{Relationship between OV and treatment}] \times \\ [\textit{Effect of OV in long}])\)

Omitted Variable Bias (3/3)

  • \(\textit{OVB} = \\ \beta^s - \beta^l = \pi_1 \times \gamma = \\ \textit{Regression of omitted on included } \times \\ \textit{Effect of Omitted Variable in long}\)
  • \(\beta^s\) is the biased effect of treatment in short;
  • \(\beta^l\) is the true effect of treatment in long;
  • \(\pi_1^l\) is the coef. of treatment in the auxiliary of omitted on included (indep. in short);
  • \(\gamma\) is the coef. of Omitted variable in long regression;

Why OVB formula is important?

  • Omitted Variable - means that we cannot have it in the regression!

  • We can’t use data to check the consequences of omitting variables that we don’t observe.

  • Having knowledge of mathematics behind OVB, we can make an educated guess about consequences of variable omission: the BIAS (Angrist and Pischke 2014)

  • For example, we can write our:

    • auxiliary regression: \(A_i = \pi_0 + \pi_1 P_i + u\) ; and
    • potential regression: \(Y_i = \alpha ^ l + \beta^l P_i + \gamma A_i + e^l_i\)
  • because \(\text{OVB} = \pi_1 \times \gamma\)

    • we can speculate about signs of \(\pi_1\) and \(\gamma\)
    • we can justify how omitted variable biases our regression: upwards (increasing the effect of interest) or downwards (decreeing it).

How to resolve the OVB?

  • No solution!

    • Find proxies
    • Develop an elaborate research design
  • Acknowledge presence of the OVB

  • Discuss the extent of bias

Example 1: Empirical proof of the OVB

MLR: fertility rates and development

We explore UN11 data from (Weisberg 2005)

  • It has 199 observations and 6 variables

  • Variables are:

    • fertility - number of children per woman;
    • lifeExpF - Female life expectancy, years;
    • ppgdp - Per capita gross domestic product in US dollars;
    • pctUrban - Percent of Urban population;
    • group - variable with 3 values “oecd”, “africa” and “others”;
    • africa, other and oecd - dummy variables taking values of 1 if a country is in respectively Africa, other countries or OECD.

Research question

How does the life expectancy affect fertility?

Empirical model

Short model: \(\hat{fertility} = f(\textit{lifeExpF}, \textit{pctUrban}, \textit{group})\)

This is, however, incomplete model, as we intentionally omitted variable \(\textit{ppgdp}\), which might be very important.

The long model should actually be \(\hat{fertility} = f(\textit{lifeExpF}, \textit{pctUrban}, \textit{group}, \textit{ppgdp})\)


library(alr4)           #install.packages("alr4")
library(tidyverse)      #install.packages("tidyverse")
un_dta <- 
  alr4::UN11 %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  select(-region) %>%
    Africa = as.integer(group  == "africa"),
    Other = as.integer(group  == "other"),
    OECD = as.integer(group  == "oecd")
Rows: 199
Columns: 8
$ group     <fct> other, other, africa, africa, other, other, other, other, oe…
$ fertility <dbl> 5.968, 1.525, 2.142, 5.135, 2.000, 2.172, 1.735, 1.671, 1.94…
$ ppgdp     <dbl> 499.0, 3677.2, 4473.0, 4321.9, 13750.1, 9162.1, 3030.7, 2285…
$ lifeExpF  <dbl> 49.49, 80.40, 75.00, 53.17, 81.10, 79.89, 77.33, 77.75, 84.2…
$ pctUrban  <dbl> 23, 53, 67, 59, 100, 93, 64, 47, 89, 68, 52, 84, 89, 29, 45,…
$ Africa    <int> 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, …
$ Other     <int> 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, …
$ OECD      <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, …

Descriptive statistics

un_dta %>% datasummary_skim(output = "data.frame")
            Unique (#) Missing (%)    Mean      SD   Min Median      Max
1 fertility        193           0     2.8     1.3   1.1    2.3      6.9
2     ppgdp        199           0 13012.0 18412.4 114.8 4684.5 105095.4
3  lifeExpF        192           0    72.3    10.1  48.1   75.9     87.1
4  pctUrban         80           0    57.9    23.4  11.0   59.0    100.0
5    Africa          2           0     0.3     0.4   0.0    0.0      1.0
6     Other          2           0     0.6     0.5   0.0    1.0      1.0
7      OECD          2           0     0.2     0.4   0.0    0.0      1.0

Data visualization

un_dta %>% 
  select(fertility, lifeExpF, pctUrban, ppgdp, group) %>%
  ggpairs(aes(alpha = 0.6))

Data visualization by group

un_dta %>% 
  select(fertility, lifeExpF, pctUrban, ppgdp, group) %>%
  ggpairs(aes(colour = group, alpha = 0.6))


Short regression - important control variable is omitted

fit_s <- lm(fertility ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group , un_dta)
Parameter      | Coefficient |       SE |         95% CI | t(194) |      p
(Intercept)    |        9.79 |     0.73 | [ 8.34, 11.24] |  13.35 | < .001
lifeExpF       |       -0.09 | 9.62e-03 | [-0.11, -0.07] |  -9.63 | < .001
pctUrban       |   -5.11e-03 | 2.89e-03 | [-0.01,  0.00] |  -1.77 | 0.078 
group [other]  |       -0.15 |     0.16 | [-0.48,  0.17] |  -0.94 | 0.350 
group [africa] |        0.20 |     0.26 | [-0.31,  0.71] |   0.78 | 0.438 

Educated guess: effect of the OV (1/3)


             Model 1              
(Intercept)    9.7910 (0.7332) ***
lifeExpF      -0.0926 (0.0096) ***
pctUrban      -0.0051 (0.0029)    
groupother    -0.1544 (0.1649)    
groupafrica    0.2008 (0.2585)    
R^2            0.6899             
Adj. R^2       0.6835             
Num. obs.    199                  
Num. df      194                  
F statistic  107.8967 ***         
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
Model 1: fertility ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group
  • Important omitted variable is GDP per capita.

  • What could be the bias?

  • Does the BIAS:

    • increases or decreases the coefficient of interest?
    • makes the coefficient of interest significant or insignificant?

Educated guess: effect of the OV (2/3)

  • \(\textit{OVB} = \pi_1 \times \gamma\)

    • \(\pi_1^l\) is the coef. of treatment in the auxiliary of omitted on included (indep. in short);
    • \(\gamma\) is the coef. of Omitted variable in long regression;

Educated guess: effect of the OV (3/3)

  • What would be the Effect of GDP on fertility (\(\gamma\)) if we had a long regression?

    • Decreasing effect or \(\gamma < 0\) ;
  • What would be the effect of life expectancy on the GDP (\(\pi_1\)) in auxiliary regression?

    • Countries with higher GDP have longer life expectancy: \(\pi_1 > 0\) ;
  • Therefore: \(\textit{OVB} < 0\)

    • the OV biases our estimates by making coefficient of life expectancy lower than it actually is.

Calculating Omitted Variable Bias


  1. Estimate long and auxiliary regressions

  2. Extract relevant coefficients and calculating the bias

Step 1. Estimate long and auxiliary regressions

fit_l <- lm(fertility ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group + log(ppgdp), un_dta)
fit_ax <- lm(log(ppgdp) ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group , un_dta)
screen_many_regs(fit_ax, fit_l)

             Model 1                Model 2              
(Intercept)    2.8737 (0.7586) ***   10.5082 (0.7359) ***
lifeExpF       0.0649 (0.0100) ***   -0.0765 (0.0103) ***
pctUrban       0.0282 (0.0030) ***    0.0019 (0.0034)    
groupother    -0.8547 (0.1706) ***   -0.3678 (0.1697) *  
groupafrica   -0.8990 (0.2674) ***   -0.0236 (0.2576)    
log(ppgdp)                           -0.2496 (0.0672) ***
R^2            0.7545                 0.7106             
Adj. R^2       0.7495                 0.7031             
Num. obs.    199                    199                  
Num. df      194                    193                  
F statistic  149.0759 ***            94.7652 ***         
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
Model 1: log(ppgdp) ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group
Model 2: fertility ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group + log(ppgdp)

Step 2. Extract relevant coefficients and calculating the bias

beta_s <- fit_s %>% tidy() %>% filter(term == "lifeExpF") %>% pull(estimate)
beta_l <- fit_l %>% tidy() %>% filter(term == "lifeExpF") %>% pull(estimate)
pi_1 <- fit_ax %>% tidy() %>% filter(term == "lifeExpF") %>% pull(estimate)
gam <- fit_l %>% tidy() %>% filter(term == "log(ppgdp)") %>% pull(estimate)


beta_s - beta_l
[1] -0.01618852

or OVB:

pi_1 * gam
[1] -0.01618852

Interpreting the results with OVB

screen_many_regs(fit_s, fit_l)

             Model 1                Model 2              
(Intercept)    9.7910 (0.7332) ***   10.5082 (0.7359) ***
lifeExpF      -0.0926 (0.0096) ***   -0.0765 (0.0103) ***
pctUrban      -0.0051 (0.0029)        0.0019 (0.0034)    
groupother    -0.1544 (0.1649)       -0.3678 (0.1697) *  
groupafrica    0.2008 (0.2585)       -0.0236 (0.2576)    
log(ppgdp)                           -0.2496 (0.0672) ***
R^2            0.6899                 0.7106             
Adj. R^2       0.6835                 0.7031             
Num. obs.    199                    199                  
Num. df      194                    193                  
F statistic  107.8967 ***            94.7652 ***         
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
Model 1: fertility ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group
Model 2: fertility ~ lifeExpF + pctUrban + group + log(ppgdp)

Example 2: Wage, education and ability


Angrist, Joshua D., and Jörn-Steffen Pischke. 2014. Mastering’metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect. Princeton University Press.
Weisberg, Sanford. 2005. Applied Linear Regression. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.